Check out J. Andersen’s Books

Illumination Book Award Bronze Medal Winner
The Breeding Tree
Book 1 of the Destiny by Design Series
When seventeen year old Katherine Dennard is selected to become a “Creation Specialist” in Sector 4, the opportunity sounds like a dream come true. But Kate soon discovers the darker side of her profession – the disposal of fetal organs and destruction of human life. It makes sense, really. In a society where disease and malformations don t exist, human perfection demands that no genetic “mutants” be allowed to live. For Sector 4, “survival of the fittest” is not just a theory – it’s The Institute’s main mission.
When Kate discovers that The Institute is using her DNA to create new life, her work gets personal. In order to save her unviable son, she’ll have to trust Micah and his band of underground Natural Born Rebels. The problem is, if The Institute discovers her betrayal, the next body being disposed of could be hers.
“A fiercely addicting and refreshing dystopian that had me white-knuckling my iPad into the wee hours of the morning!”
The Gene Rift
Book 2 of the Destiny by Design series
Seventeen-year-old Katherine Dennard will risk the freedom she fought so hard to gain to rescue the man she loves, even if it means making an unthinkable deal with Saul, a high-ranking military officer determined to capture her and destroy all Natural-Born rebels. But the arrangement may forever strip her of the quiet life she desires with Micah and her newborn son and thrust her back into the dangerous world of The Institute — where only perfect, genetically-modified babies are allowed to survive.
Natural-Born rebel, Micah Pennington, will die in prison before he gives up information that would put Kate and her child in danger or reveal the secrets of the Hidden City. And if by some miracle he does escape, he must find a way to obliterate The Institute and their genetic engineering practices once and for all.
Saul Goodman fosters trust with the rebels in order to infiltrate their society, reveal intel, and devise a way to eliminate them. Kate holds the key to the downfall of The Institute, and Saul will use her baby against her, stopping at nothing to protect The Institute’s future.
Will Kate choose to save Micah even if it means placing the life of her baby in Saul’s hands?
“The Gene Rift is like riding a roller coaster in the dark with unexpected, break-neck twists and turns. Thrilling, gut wrenching and deeply romantic, it will steal your breath away with every page turn.”
Legacy’s Impact
Book 3 of the Destiny by Design series
Kate’s genes say she’s a rebel; will her heart tell her the same?
Katherine Dennard was supposed to go back to a perfect life in The Institute with her fiancé, Saul Goodman, but her amnesia is making that wonderful life harder than she hoped. When that crazy guy, Micah Pennington shows up and tells her everything she knows is a lie, she doesn’t know who to trust, but one thing’s for sure: it isn’t Micah. The thing is, Micah might be crazy, but Saul is definitely hiding something.
Kate must sift through the mysteries of her past to uncover who she is, but unraveling the truth unearths secrets that threaten to destroy the only life she can remember. If Kate can’t remember who she was, how can she figure out who she’s supposed to be?
“These are powerful stories about the meaning and value of life–We don’t have enough of those.”
Reckless Destiny
Prequel to the Destiny by Design series
It’s one thing to use scientific experimentation for the good of the people; it’s another to be the experiment.
During a routine doctor’s visit, Emma Bolding finds herself at the center of The Institute’s latest step in the journey toward genetic perfection, a place that’s not only dangerous, but unethical. Maybe she should have looked the other way, but The Institute chose to cross the line and make it personal.
Fighting back was never Emma’s thing, but she soon discovers she’s not the person she once was. Perhaps she’s destined for greater things.