I’ve always liked writing, but it wasn’t until

a few years ago that I discovered when my desire to write a book truly began. My mother gave me a booklet I made in the third grade. It was all about me.

If you don’t know what kind of booklet I’m talking about, ask your mother. I’m sure she’ll be able to pull out the one you made in the third grade. You’ll discover all sorts of interesting things about yourself that you’ve more than likely forgotten.

I read through this forgotten work of art and discovered that my writing career started long ago. You see, when I was eight, I apparently wanted to become famous for one thing: writing a book. And, I had already written a masterpiece called Harry the Frog. Unfortunately, that first work will never be published. Sorry about that…

Learn more about me!

The Breeding Tree

The Gene Rift

Legacy's Impact

“If you like action/adventure with a little romance on the side, or even dystopian literature, ‎I would recommend The Breeding Tree. ‎”

                                                                                                                                                                                                   – Kim Kasch

Wonder Woman Wednesday–Give and Get–The Boomerang Effect

Wonder Woman Wednesday–Give and Get–The Boomerang Effect

The other day, I got online to find that a friend of mine was having a bad day. She didn't say it outright, but sometimes, you can just tell. It was my grocery shopping day, so I was out and about. I hit Aldi and right next door was Starbucks. Now, I've gotten in the...

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Wonder Woman Wednesday–Give and Get–The Boomerang Effect

Wonder Woman Wednesday-Busyness

Wondering how Wonder Woman did it all. Ever feel like life is passing you by? It's almost June. How did that happen? I had great intentions of re-booting my blog and already I've found it difficult to keep up with. Life is difficult to keep up with. With...

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Wonder Woman Wednesday–Give and Get–The Boomerang Effect

Wonder Woman Wednesdays- The Simple Things

 I had a meeting this morning where we got to talking about things that make us happy. My mind immediately went to a handful of things. They weren't expensive or even complicated. And something hit me. It really is the simple things that make me happy. I...

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Friday Fights-Snapchat Eyebrow Challenge

Friday Fights-Snapchat Eyebrow Challenge

I don't know if any of you have Snapchat or if you use it at all. Honestly, I use it to keep up with the young people in my life. For some reason, my kids' generation will respond to Snapchat messages even over text messages. *I'm starting to feel old!*...

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Wonder Woman Wednesdays–Speak Life

Wonder Woman Wednesdays–Speak Life

This past Sunday was Mother’s day, which got me thinking. Here we take a day to celebrate women, mom’s in particular. I’m continually fascinated with what it means to be a woman, a strong woman, to be exact. You could say it’s my journey as a woman to be...

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The Gene Rift Book Trailer

The Breeding Tree Book Trailer

At What Cost Book Trailer


