I’ve always liked writing, but it wasn’t until
a few years ago that I discovered when my desire to write a book truly began. My mother gave me a booklet I made in the third grade. It was all about me.
If you don’t know what kind of booklet I’m talking about, ask your mother. I’m sure she’ll be able to pull out the one you made in the third grade. You’ll discover all sorts of interesting things about yourself that you’ve more than likely forgotten.
I read through this forgotten work of art and discovered that my writing career started long ago. You see, when I was eight, I apparently wanted to become famous for one thing: writing a book. And, I had already written a masterpiece called Harry the Frog. Unfortunately, that first work will never be published. Sorry about that…
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!!! Legacy’s Impact Cover Reveal !!!
AHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so excited. The COVER IS HERE! The COVER IS HERE. Yes, I'm yelling in all caps, but this is exciting, people! Seriously! This is how I feel: So, DANCE WITH ME, people... And check out the new cover! There is so much amazing detail in this...
Wonder Woman Wednesday- Feeding the Soul
Momma bird has inspired me. Over the last few weeks, I've watched as she and Poppa bird have cared for their babies. They sit for hours without moving. They fight off cat assassins to protect their babies. But mostly they've spent time searching for food and feeding...
Wonder Woman Wednesday- Don’t Mess with Momma Bird
The saga of Momma Bird continues. For the last few weeks we've watched as the pair of robins built a nest, laid eggs and hatched those eggs in the hanging basket on our front porch. It's been fun watching how Momma Bird and Poppa Bird have taken turns sitting on the...
I want to hear from you!
Today is going to be short and sweet. I want to hear from you. Wednesdays here are supposed to focus on the traits of strong women and girls. I want to hear your stories. Tell me about the strong women in your life. Who are they? What makes them strong?...
Wonder Woman Wednesday-Momma Bear or Bird
For Mother's day, my husband bought me a potted plant. This in and of itself is slightly humorous since I have the blackest thumb on the planet. If a plant comes to my house, it's on death row. This plant, however, has thrived, despite the lack of water. It's bright...
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