I’ve always liked writing, but it wasn’t until

a few years ago that I discovered when my desire to write a book truly began. My mother gave me a booklet I made in the third grade. It was all about me.

If you don’t know what kind of booklet I’m talking about, ask your mother. I’m sure she’ll be able to pull out the one you made in the third grade. You’ll discover all sorts of interesting things about yourself that you’ve more than likely forgotten.

I read through this forgotten work of art and discovered that my writing career started long ago. You see, when I was eight, I apparently wanted to become famous for one thing: writing a book. And, I had already written a masterpiece called Harry the Frog. Unfortunately, that first work will never be published. Sorry about that…

Learn more about me!

The Breeding Tree

The Gene Rift

Legacy's Impact

“If you like action/adventure with a little romance on the side, or even dystopian literature, ‎I would recommend The Breeding Tree. ‎”

                                                                                                                                                                                                   – Kim Kasch

Twitter Hangout

Hi, All! I'm trying something new. Beginning on  Thurs., Nov. 5 at 9PM EST, I'll be hanging on Twitter with a few other authors chatting about whatever our readers want to chat about. Joining me will be author, Kelly Martin. Then in December, NYT best selling author,...

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Where’s the Outrage?!

I've started this post several times and no words seem to be right. I want to thank those men and women in Oregon who stood for their faith when they stared death in the face. Thank you for your witness. Thank you for showing what it means to give all for your love of...

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FREE book!

Hi, all! I'm excited to share that my publisher, Brimstone Fiction, an imprint of Lighthouse Publishers of the Carolinas, is offering THE BREEDING TREE for FREE on Kindle today and tomorrow (10/2-3). Please go and download it now! Click on the picture of the book or...

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The Glamour of Launch Day

It's here!!! It's finally here!!! The Breeding Tree is available for sale. I thought I'd take a few moments to walk you through the glamour of a book launch. Up until this point, I've been writing blog posts, preparing launch day activities for the Facebook page,...

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The Planned and the Unexpected

I had a great plan for today. I sent The Bug to a sitter and was going to spend the morning working on the book launch details at a coffee shop for the morning. So, I got up, got the kids out the door for school, did my devotions, grabbed my stuff and headed to the...

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The Gene Rift Book Trailer

The Breeding Tree Book Trailer

At What Cost Book Trailer


