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Book Description
Kate’s genes say she’s a rebel; will her heart tell her the same?
Katherine Dennard was supposed to go back to a perfect life in The Institute with her fiancé, Saul Goodman, but her amnesia is making that wonderful life harder than she hoped. When that crazy guy, Micah Pennington shows up and tells her everything she knows is a lie, she doesn’t know who to trust, but one thing’s for sure: it isn’t Micah. The thing is, Micah might be crazy, but Saul is definitely hiding something.
Kate must sift through the mysteries of her past to uncover who she is, but unraveling the truth unearths secrets that threaten to destroy the only life she can remember. If Kate can’t remember who she was, how can she figure out who she’s supposed to be?

About J. Andersen
J. Andersen likes to write books for teens, but doing so means slaying the dragons of procrastination while trudging through piles of laundry to make it to the computer. This mom may be a story engineer by day and a world builder by night, but that doesn’t mean she can ignore making dinner or bringing her kids to sports practices or music lessons. Never fear, a coffee in one hand and a pen in the other allows her to write whenever inspiration hits, and her work with the School of the Arts, a youth band and music program, gives her plenty of fodder for story ideas.
Launch Team
Being part of my launch team is a critical way to help support Legacy’s Impact launch. I know your time is extremely valuable, and I thank you for using a tiny bit of it to help me to launch this book. This part of the page is meant to have a list of ways you can help if you choose to along with shareable items you can send out to your followers if you would like to. Thank you again for your time and support. Don’t forget to jump down to the Giveaways section to see what we are giving away and claim your extra entries for being part of the launch team!
Ways to Help:
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