Wonder Woman Wednesday — Goal setting
Each new year brings the thoughts of what great things I can accomplish throughout the next 365 days. In order to be accountable, I need to tell you what they are.

- Do better with keeping my blog up to date.
- I plan to do this by inviting guest authors because let’s be honest, doing it all myself is daunting. And we all need friends to help us along.
- Write more.
- I have a contemporary story that needs editing, and I have a new story brewing a bit in my head. I’d like to get these out. I also have been working for two publishing houses, so managing my time is more of an issue. So, I guess that leads me to #3:
- Manage my time better.
I like to keep it simple and set goals that are manageable. Let me know what your new year’s goals are in the comments.
I love that number 4 is blank!
Crap! My bad. 🙂 I guess it’s always good to leave one open.