I had a meeting this morning where we got to talking about things that make us happy. My mind immediately went to a handful of things. They weren’t expensive or even complicated. And something hit me. It really is the simple things that make me happy. I know that sounds cliche, but it’s true. So today, I’m going to create a list of 4 things that make me happy. There are many more than 4 things, but perhaps I’ll save those for another day.

 1. Talks with my husband–We went for a walk the other night and just talked. Nothing profound, nothing bad, just about life in general. It’s these times of connecting that we need. With three kids, finding that time can be difficult, but it’s so needed.


2. Watching my kids do the things they’re good at.

My kids are all talented with music, so listening to them sing together makes my heart happy. My daughter loves softball, so watching her catch 5 outs in three innings makes me smile. There’s something about seeing other people succeed that is invigorating to me.

3. Good coffee

The hubs makes amazing coffee every morning, roasted weekly from green beans and freshly ground. Yum.

4. Naps

I mean, come on. Who doesn’t like a good nap?

See, look at that 4 simple things that make me happy. What about you? Name three things that make you happy. Post them in the comments.