I had a great plan for today. I sent The Bug to a sitter and was going to spend the morning working on the book launch details at a coffee shop for the morning. So, I got up, got the kids out the door for school, did my devotions, grabbed my stuff and headed to the sitter. I dropped off the Bug and drove to The Upper Crust.

About 3/4 of the way there, I reached around the seat to make sure I had my bag…something I do frequently. I couldn’t feel it. Hmmm. Must be on the other side, so I reached my other hand around… no bag. Odd. I’m sure I put it in the back seat. Pulling the car to the side of the road, I got out and peeked in the back seat. Nothing. I checked the trunk. Empty.

Seriously!? It’s kinda hard to write without my computer. Sitting in the driver’s seat, I contemplated turning around, but seeing as though I was only 10 minutes from a latte, I thought I’d drive the extra miles and at the very least grab myself a coffee before heading back home to actually get some work done.

Upon entering, I ordered the coffee and turned around. It was then I spied my friend Dottie. Thankfully, she accepted my imposed invitation to interrupt her quiet time with a visit.

dottieThat hour was an absolute blessing. Dottie is always and encouragement to me and I just plain ole enjoy her company. Through our chat I discovered she was supposed to be on her way back to Florida today, but due to car trouble, will be here another week. Here I was, unexpectedly without my computer and unable to do work, and here she was without a car and unable to travel. Sometimes our “unexpecteds” are blessings in disguise.

I had a plan. So did Dottie, but we were both blessed with someone else’s plan, and thanks to that, I got to see my friend again before she leaves for the winter.

My devotional, Jesus Calling, said this morning: “Accept each day exactly as it comes to you.” I’m so glad I continued on my way to get the coffee I thought I wanted. Instead I received something I needed so much more: Friendship.


This is Dottie at her book signing for her WD 1st place self published inspirational fiction award winner, Cora Pooler.